Over the years, we’ve worked with thousands of customers on kitchen projects big and small. One thing we’ve found is that very few people walk in knowing exactly which kitchen appliances they want to purchase. Even if they think they do, they often change their minds on the types, sizes or styles throughout the process.

To help you along the way, we’ve created a quick guide to buying the appliances that suit your lifestyle, complement the rest of your kitchen and last for many years to come.

Getting Started

First things first: think about your lifestyle. How many people do you usually cook for? What type of dishes do you like to cook? How many cooks will be using the kitchen? What are their cooking preferences? Asking yourself questions like these will help you identify the appliances that will make your cooking experience as seamless as possible.

It’s also worth thinking ahead. Are there any lifestyle changes on the horizon? New members of the family, approaching retirements and evolving entertaining habits are sure to change the way you use your kitchen and the appliances you need.

It’s always helpful to write down a list of your must-have appliances: the products that always have and always will be part of your kitchen. Then pull together a secondary list of appliances you’d like, or products you might need in the future.

Getting It Right

Now you know the types of appliances you’re looking for, make sure you choose the right models. Visiting showrooms will help you really get to grips with the different options. You’ll also get the chance to speak to knowledgeable staff and view some of the in-store cooking demonstrations.

While you can’t really beat the in-store experience, it’s always good to do online research too. Reading reviews, both official product reviews and user reviews, will give you a rounded view of the products you’re considering.

And if you’re embarking on a full kitchen redesign, or you’d just like some expert advice when choosing your appliances, you might want to consider hiring a kitchen designer. They spend their lives navigating the nuances of kitchen design, so there’s no-one better to help you with the decision.

Lasting Results

Finally, make sure you get the best experience from purchase through installation and beyond. Find out what is included in the price. For example, are you just paying for the product? Or does the price include installation, removal of any old appliances and a guarantee beyond?

When it comes to the guarantee, speak to your salesperson and make sure you know what you get beyond the point of sale. Does the manufacturer have dedicated technicians who’ll provide maintenance and repair services? How long does it usually take for repairs to be completed? Are all replacement parts official and manufacturer-approved?

In short, if you take the time to consider your options, do your research and ask the right questions, you’ll be on course to find the products and appliances that suit your lifestyle down to a tee.

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Knightsbridge Showroom
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